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The City's Erin Kaplan: I Don't Want To See Olivia Fail

So far this fall, we've seen wild house parties, half-naked fashion models and the inside of Jay Lyon's love nest on The City. But nothing's shocked us more than watching Olivia Palermo morph from above-it-all social to hardworking career gal, thanks in large part to her perma-disapproving Elle manager Erin Kaplan. So how does Erin (known for her constant smirks, frequent put-downs and awkwardness at parties) feel about coming across as a high fashion bully? In a word, misunderstood.

"If I’m portrayed as hard or a bitch on camera, that’s one thing," Erin said in an interview with OK! magazine, "but to portray me as somebody that doesn’t care about what’s best for the magazine is totally different, and that’s been the most frustrating thing."

And as for rooting for Olivia to fail? "The bottom line is I want what’s best for [Elle]," Erin said. "[A]nd if Olivia comes back and she does an amazing job, I’m going to tell her that."

Meanwhile, Erin took the opportunity to let City fans know she's not as super-serious as she comes across on TV. "I definitely think I smile more. I’m generally a happy person, and I don’t smirk as often as I do on the show!"
credit - mtv