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Ahmed Soultan - A taste of music in Morocco

10/5/09 - The link to his Facebook page is now linked to his official Facebook page


Recently I had the opportunity to travel to Morocco for 2 weeks.  I spent lots of time in Casablanca and Rabat where there were GORGEOUS views, beautiful people, and music everywhere.  There was never a car ride that wasn't accompanied by the radio or a cd, and even when walking around, music poured out from stores and passing cars.

One artist's voice that really stood out to me was a guy named Ahmed Soultan.  He's a unique Berber singer from Morocco who blends the styles of Arab music, hip hop, and soul. 

photo courtesy of http://www.yannicklecontestudio.com/

People were all singing along to the songs, but I couldn't find that much info about him on the internet.  Hey, maybe we'll make him a hit in the U.S.!

Check out one of his YouTube videos:

Then if you want to hear some of his songs that are in English, go to http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/soultan

There is a MySpace account for him at http://www.myspace.com/ahmedsoultan and a Facebook page so you can "become a fan" of Ahmed!

I want to see what YOU think of Ahmed! Time to sound off...and GO!

p.s. - here is a pic of me by a fountain at Hassan Plaza in Rabat, Morocco...see, I REALLY was there!