Joined by a guy pal, the Hills hotties looked to be in a bit of a tiff as Spencer displayed an angry face and waved his arms around while arguing loudly.
Perhaps they were talking about having kids, as Stephanie Pratt recently told press that Heidi is ready for babies, while Spencer is not.
“Heidi is the one with the baby fever; Spencer is not. Here’s the deal: Basically, Heidi got married; [then] she’s like, ‘Oh my God, what do I do?’” she explained. “I really feel like she went to a bookstore and saw ‘Newlyweds: The Wife’s Edition,’ and so now she’s like, ‘I still want to get a house with a white picket fence… and then probably a dog, and then we’ll move on to kids. And I want to take cooking lessons.’”
Credit: Celebrity Gossip