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OMF(ashion)G - Kim Kardashian Auction For Haiti

A lot of people have mixed views on why exactly celebrities always rush to help people in crisis.  It seems natural that with their high incomes, they would have some extra money lying around to donate to people who really need help. But, you have to also wonder sometimes if they are just doing it to have another way to get their name, and face, out into the public eye yet again. Well, we will never know what each celebrities motivations are for donating to charities in a time of need. BUT who the hell really cares as long as people are getting $$ and supplies sent to them, right?
Wonder Woman herself, Miss Kim Kardashian is doing her part to help the people of Haiti by starting an eBay clothing auction. Kim recently said that she has "an eBay store called Kim's Closet. Me, Kourtney, Khloe, my mom, Reggie, and I think Lamar hall all put up a whole bunch of auctions that launch next week, and it all goes to Haiti. It's our shoes and our clothes. Get cute clothes and help out Haiti." Sounds like a plan to me. For those of you who are fans of one of the many celebs listed above, this would be a great way to help Haiti and to score a piece of clothing or shoes from a celebrity. I have to give props to Kardashians for this, because every little bit helps. 
The E! Online article, also mentions that there might also be a Super Bowl jersey in the clothing mix, because Reggie will be playing in the game!
~ ~ ~ posted by: S