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Everything In It's Right Place (Gigamesh / Discotech Remix) - Radiohead

Has it really been a decade since Kid A came out? Incredible. I know this album was and still is a favorite among my friends. To the more rock oriented people, it helped a lot of them see how non-traditional electronic compositions can still be very organic and human. For myself and many other people who were already electonica fans, it was a beautiful mesh of the alt rock I'd already been singing along to for years and the limitless world of  electronica. Thank you Radiohead. You can go now. Just be back in time for tea.

Everything In It's Right Place (Gigamesh/DiscoTech Remix) - Radiohead

 -- p.a.t.t.

p.s. Still one of favorite videos/songs of all time ... High & Dry (US Version)