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Welcome to December ATL

The first ice of the year was on my windsheild yesterday morning, along with the thickest blanket of fog I've ever seen without being next to a river. This morning was just super cold rain, which I don't mind as much as ice. Of course, this is ATL. The whole city shuts down if it drops below 30 degrees with water of any form on the road. Mostly because of the accidents at 5am on GA400 which end up blocking North AND South. I'm sorry all you 400 commuters. I know how much that sucks, but eternally grateful that I have had a 5 min commute for 2 years.

The Holidays are a tough time for me. Simply because I've been a poor bastard for years. I can't remember the last time I was actually able to buy presents for the people I want to give gifts too. Of course, I've learned give gifts that I can 'make' and I've learned to appreciate other things about this season. If I can get the free time, I love the chance to actually see the friends and family I rarely get to spend time with. Plus, with most of us still having an extra hard financial time, it's important to slow down and actually enjoy yourself and your company, whoever they are.

Well, we've got lots and lots of Holiday to spread here in ATL. I'm not going to attempt to cover a calendar of events here because we've got all month and more people than just me to tell you all about what's going on. I did get an invite to Graveyard's "Slaytanic Christmas" which sounds like my kinda Christmas party. See ya there!

-- The OMFG Kid