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David Cook, The Script, Green River Ordinance

Well, if you didn't already know, I love me some David Cook. Of course I went to see him a few weeks ago at The Tabernacle in Atlanta! David is back in the studio now working on his next cd, so I knew I had to see him now before he went into studio lockdown.

Ryan Star was the opener on David's last tour, and Ryan is a GREAT musician, so I definitely wanted to check out the openers for this tour. First up was Green River Ordinance, a band from Fort Worth, Texas. My friend Keri from NC told me about this band a few months ago, and I had been listening to their music online. Their live show was awesome! These guys put so much energy into into performng, and as soon as David Cook's set was over, I went straight to GRO's merch booth & bought their cd. The whole cd is great, but I recommend tracks: Goodbye L.A., Getting Older, & Endlessly.

Go check their website (www.greenriverordinance.com) for tour dates & to listen to clips from their cd!

Next up was a band from Dublin, Ireland called The Script. I bought these guys' cd two days before the show, and it was SO GOOD that I had almost all the songs memorized by the night of the show. This cd is definitely full of songs that make you go “HEY, he wrote that song about my life experiences!” They put on a very lively show too, and the witty banter in the sexy Irish accents between songs was enough to make any girl swoon!! I can't believe their cd has been out for an entire year, and I'm just now hearing about these guys. Songs I recommend: Breakeven, Before the Worst, Rusty Halo, The Man Who Can't Be Moved, and We Cry.

You can check them out and see music videos at www.thescriptmusic.com

FINALLY, my main man was on. Now, if I was a great music journalist, I could tell you how long he played, all the songs he played, what he talked about, etc. BUT when it comes to David Cook, I glaze over & go to my happy place. This really is the only “celebrity” I have a crush on, so I pretty much geek out & rock out at his shows. We were about 4 rows back on the floor...I was in heaven. If you haven't heard of David Cook, or heard his music, go listen to his songs! (www.davidcookofficial.com) He sings with so much passion, you believe every line of every song. He sounds even better at his live shows than on his cd. Not many musicians can pull off that feat.

It only took one verse of one David Cook song to make my year. Of course I don't remember what song (I was in my happy place), but “Mr. Sensitive” himself decides to hop up on the railing in the front row, and lean over the crowd. My lovely friend LeAnn helps shove me up 2 rows of people, my hand extended towards David's outreached hand, and we lock pinky fingers. Yes, my friends. I touched David Cook. We stayed that way for at least a verse of the song, he laughed at me laughing at the fact I was getting trampled but still holding on. I kept clicking pics the entire time this was going on. I got this great pic, possibly when he was seeing me smiling even though people were shoving me from all sides:

We got to meet GRO after the show, and they were all great & super nice. Then we went to wait for David to come out and talk to fans. He did come out, but couldn't stay long because they were driving to their next tour stop that night. BUT never fear, I still got to shake his hand, get an autograph, and say hello. It will definitely be a night I will NEVER forget!
