Hey everyone! Most of you might already know about this website & blog, but I wanted to share with those who might have not know real quick. These websites become pretty addictive to go look at on a daily basis!! I always find myself wanting to know what the Woot of the day is.
What is woot you ask??
Woot.com is an online store and community that focuses on selling cool stuff cheap. They basically have one item on sale until it runs out for the one day only! Literally after 11:59 you may no longer purchase it. It's really fun to see all the cool new stuff they have!
Also there is a shirt.woot!
today's shirt is Double Crossed
Most the shirts run about $10.00, and are funny shirts you might not find anywhere else, it's always fun to see the shirt of the day! I'm waiting til I find one I just have to have!!
And lastly, there is also a wine.woot!
So every week, wine.woot.com will uncork a sweet new wine deal for you. Due to excess and over stocking at wine manufacturers. Which is fine by us right!?
Go check these sites out, it really is amusing!