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Holly Montag Spars With Comedian at L.A.’s Laugh Factory

Holly Montag – much to her horror -- found herself part of the act during a comedy set for charity at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood last night.

Montag was in the front row of the club, and a source tells RadarOnline.com exclusively that he personally witnessed Montag talking loudly and being generally disruptive during several of the comedians’ set. It got to the point where some of the comics made her a part of their jokes.

Then, it got ugly.

Chris Franjola -- one of the comedians who regularly appears on the Chelsea Handler show, Chelsea Lately -- was performing his standup act when Montag abruptly walked out with a friend. Because she was in the front row, everyone noticed her leaving.

Franjola started hassling her in joking way, and Montag shot back: “We’re leaving because you’re not funny.”

The crowd went wild. Then, someone in the audience noticed that Montag had left her purse, grabbed it and threw it on the stage. Franjola opened it and pulled out a tampon. The crowd went crazy.

At that moment, Montag – realizing she had left her purse at her table -- came back inside the club. She went up on stage, snatched her purse back and said: “That’s inappropriate. That’s a violation.”

Montag then sat back down in the front row and said: “I’m not afraid of you.”

A security person at the Laugh Factory then escorted Montag out because she was being too disruptive.

As she left, Franjola turned to the crowd and said: “Was I wrong?”

The crowd went wild in support of Franjola.

Credit: Radar Online