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OMFG - Sept 2nd is Happy 90210 Day!!!!

So, I officially have one the BEST besties ever! One of my oldest & closest friends messaged me JUST to tell me that 90210 day is this week! She knows I've seen every episode of the new & old shows. How great is this! So, to everyone out there who is a fan of the show, take Thursday to celebrate 90210 day!
It's funny coz just a few months ago I was looking through some really old things and found my 90210 necklace that I rocked in elementary school. Check out this beauty! LOL:
As nerdy as it might seem now to have this........I will have to toot my own horn on this one a little bit. I am kind of impressed that I still have this necklace. I guess you can say that I have officially been a true gossip grrrl since birth! Trust OMFG brand gossip. 
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OH~~! And for those of you following the new cast of 90210....due to start back this Fall on the CW. Two of the Kardashians will be making an appearance. That's right! Khloe & Kim will be appearing as themselves in an upcoming episode. 'Naomi' will enter their Dash store expecting to get a free gift for her 18th birthday & it will cause an argument between her & the Kardashian girls. ((I heard they had to shoot the scene many times to get Kim to "act" mad.))
S(steph_gossip grrrl)