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OMFG(uest Contrib) - International Pillow Fight Day!

I'm at a loss where to begin with international pillow fight day. Wikipedia says it's orgins date back to the days of old, back in March of 2008.  Times were different then.  Hipsters wore deep v neck shirts, sported mustaches, and rode fixed gear bikes.  Ok, so maybe times weren't that different, but we were coming out of the Bush era.
It's safe to say, we had a lot of steam to blow off.  The pillow fight started as an international flash mob.  If you're not familiar with this term, it's basically a chain letter, which, if you're still confused, is that crap all your coworkers send you and ask you to send out to all your friends.  Failure to pass along letter would result in a lowered sperm count, and increased likelyhood that you'll be the one car the cops pull over for speeding.  Flash mobs kept up the idea of "pass it along!" but left off the voodoo curse, and simply asked the recipient to perform some action.  In this case, the request read "Freedom Park, 3pm, April 3rd.  Bring a Pillow."
People met, the countdown began, and like all good flash mobs, a lack of organization screwed us all up.  Atlanta, always over eager, started 30 seconds early.  We'll consider this as a sign of our sheer awesomeness and lack of conformity, and ignore the fact that most southerners (myself included) cannot handle counting down from 40
seconds while under the influence of pillows.  Around 300 people showed up, keeping the fight going for around an hour and a half. Some people dressed up, and were promptly singled out and sacked. Michael Myers made an appearance, and through some cruel joke, he transformed into a sort of pied pipper.  A string of children would
follow and flog him wherever he walked.  There were fewer down pillows this year, which I blame on the recession. However, there were many people chicken fighting with a disregard to self injury that I can only imagine is due to our new national health care plan.  Most people were just content swinging pillows, laughing, yelling, and smiling.
Proof, once again, that all you need to do to cheer someone up is to take an adult and remind them that what they did as a kid actually kicked ass.

Post Written by Guest Contributor: Justin Schwartzoff 
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